Tuesday, May 24, 2011

yasher koach! take a job!

thanks everyone for joining, please read thru the following summary of meeting, and volunteer:) most imp for now: arrange training for counselors.

here goes:
Outcome of meeting: plan of action
1. Arrange a speaker to speak for:
a. high schools
b. junior high
c. mandatory- for parents (bnos menachem already has something like this in place)
d. nshei
e. men\ kollel’
(suggestions for speakers: Mrs Bassie Gorelik- Italy. Mrs. Rivky Slonim. Mrs. Molly Resnick.
2. Workshops for Grades 5\6 : Mrs. Henny Chanina
3. Series of Shiurim in Tanya- to give over real Chassidus- אהבת ה', האמנת אלקות…

(ppl should leave with card - what hachlata did I take on, maybe publicize without names.

1. for children- Ateres
2. for adults- in block groups around ch, should be a pleasant social group, start off with tzedaka and dvar torah.. get women comfortable, and later bring in discussions etc. girls in charge coordinate so all over ch same thing going on.

Get a Rav involved
Goal is to start a ‘trend’, make standard that Rabbonim should be involved in public things, like:
a. Lubavitch publications get checked over by rav before going to print.
Tziporah Klien and Gishy Blotner- get nshei newsletter to get a rav on board
b. Events like auctions etc, need to be endorsed by rav
c. Simcha halls have rav set a standard that must be met!
Chanie Veisfish and Shira Abramson (b&c)- write up what think our standards are, and bring to rav to discuss, approve. Decide how to approach halls, perhaps rav call to meeting, and separate meeting for all program coordinators in ch

1. Let’s get a tznius halacha of the day - on our popular websites. We can put in halachos that come up etc. Great way to reach everyone! Should be submitted by a rav.
2. Tznius articles published- Tziporah klien and Gishy Blotner- work on getting articles on different areas of tznius published in n’shei newsletter, and on websites. Articles should be approved before, and be well written. Let’s use tools that are already out there.
3. Create a blog open to public- moderated- where we can encourage one another through the challenges of tznius. Ppl can ask questions, and get answers… need a moderator, and decide how to present it. When ppl feel that they are on the giving side- will strengthen them as well.

1. Our Lubavitch camps- overnight\ day
a. Work with head staff- meeting,
I. create standards, ways to enforce (campers give deposit before)…
II. system for visiting day, all camps send identical letter to parents in advance:this is our policy this yr… dress, age of boys or girls allowed in etc
b. inspire the counselors!
I. Create a training course before camp (TH has already, work w them). Camps can make mandatory to come, out of town can call in, or have live online…. Make it exciting- good training, activities to do with campers, tips etc, and have great inspiring speaker for 40 min or so, to inspire our girls to work with campers on tznius in summer…
c. Work with the campers: Have ateres in all camps, maybe an hour shabbos afternoon .. train counselors, and prepare curriculum for all the camps

2. Our older girls going as counselors to Shluchim camps.
a. Prepare them- what halachos do they have to know? Sheina Nemenov- research, collect questions, and check with rav to get answers. Give out to all hs girls. Perhaps send a copy to shluchim as well.
b. Article submitted to n’shei, make ppl aware of problems that come up, article on col. Done!
c. Empower our girls to stand up for what’s right. Speak to mechanchos of hs girls to prep girls for summer.
d. Send something to shluchim - reminder - the goal of gan yisroel, practical halachos need to be aware of.. (Faigy Yusewitz can get sent out, but needs to be prep)(maybe someone can get Chana Piekarsky who works in shluchim office?)
a. Dresscode and mingling of employees:
b. Tznius of merchandise sold:
Dina Piekarsky & - decided must be done positively, for it to work. Meet with store owners, get them on same page as us.. certain storeowners need to be spoken with privately..

Hilchos Yichud
1. Teach our students - prepare curriculum - Faigy Yusewitz- include what should be taught, to what age. How to introduce it etc. with guidance of Rav.
2. Awareness to general community- late dr hours, men drivers in taxi, halachos when getting babysitter, elevator, on shidduchim (very impressed, shopped today in ‘shoes’ on Kingston, I came in, and man working opened door and hooked to keep open :)

Questions raised: who sets the standards?
Can man do the prerecording for production?
Man video guy by weddings?

To come back to:
1. To reach other shuls in ch.. get them on board
2. Restaurants, ice cream shops- hangout, late nights..
3. Singles- parties

We’ve created a blog where we can all see what’s being done, and keep in touch.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Second Time Around

Okay, I don't have any idea why the first blog I created was erased from the system, but at least the same title was available. Just a note as to why this title was chosen: Based on something Rabbi Braun spoke about at the meeting last week, that even if all of our efforts in the area of mivtza tznius only effect one person (which it's bound to effect more), that with be worth it! I don't really have the time to summarize the meeting like a did on the last blog but maybe someone from each of the groups can write a blurb about what their group discussed and what the outcome has been for those who have taken on certain responsibilities. Have a good Shabbos!